


Lost and found children

Last week I told you about little Xiao Hui who was three years old when he was abandoned at Xining railway station. You might be one of the people wondering what efforts were made to find Xiao Hui's parents, especially because he had already had surgery and therefore must have been loved.

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Love that is costly

An abandoned child is not necessarily an indication that the child is not loved by his parents. Xiao Hui was three years old when he was abandoned at Xining railway station. When doctors said that he had Spina Bifida, which was the cause of his double incontinence, one might assume that his parents didn't want a problem child, so they abandoned him. Physical examinations revealed the true and heartbreaking story.

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Christian Action honoured by Vice-President!

Last week was very busy because there was a very significant meeting on Wednesday, June 22nd in Beijing.

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An example of courage

We can learn a great deal from children, and little Leah’s life is a powerful lesson. She teaches us about facing terrible obstacles with courage and then overcoming them with joy! Her story is not only an encouragement to amputees and those who face similar circumstances, but I believe it will also encourage you, so I’m sharing it with you. Whatever your difficulties today, let Leah give you courage to persevere and to find joy and peace in overcoming those difficulties. Here are some extracts from a letter written by Leah's adoptive parents:

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World Refugee Day!

Sixty years ago governments signed a legal document regarding the rights of refugees and the legal obligations of the states to which they flee.  June 20th is the anniversary of the Refugee Convention.  The United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR) has declared it World Refugee Day 2011.  In 2009, nearly 43.3 million people worldwide were forcibly displaced due to conflict and persecution. According to the latest statistics published by UNHCR, this is the highest number since the mid-1990s.  Each of us who are secure and busily getting on with our lives may well ask, "What's it got to do with me?"

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