


Innocent until proven guilty

Today is International Human Rights Day. Yet right here in Hong Kong, a human life may soon be lost because the human rights of a woman who came here to serve in the home of a Hong Kong family are being grossly neglected.

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The Red Slippers

The five families already occupying Xin Ning Court, the building housing our new small group homes, mean that what was formerly just a building is now housing a real community of families. Christian Action social workers are still required to make home visits, just as we do with any small group homes. During a recent home visit, one of the mama's was eager to show off some of her 'daughter's' awards...

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Watch Your Words

Christian Action works tirelessly on all fronts (especially at government level) to bring about change, but one of the hardest things to change are people's personal biases. At times they are truly appalling and hurtful to others. Sadly, some of the worst perpetrators can be Hong Kong's residents.

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An open Invitation to all churches

Christian Action relies on churches to partner with us to tell the poorest people in Hong Kong the good news of the gospel. The children particularly need to build lasting relationships with Christians because the world of the poor is characterized by shortages: of attention, of time, of money and of space. Partnering with Christian Action is a way to serve the poor, just as Jesus did.

The children responded wholeheartedly at a summer camp held by one of our long-time partners, the Manna Ministry of International Christian Assembly, a church serving the international community in Hong Kong. Here's some of the feedback from Pastor So Kam Gee after Vacation Bible School, held at our Mong Kong Centre for New Arrivals.

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New Dawn for the Next Generation

On the brink of moving from childhood to becoming a woman, Dawn was devastated by the death of her adopted father. Emotionally it was an extremely difficult time for the not-quite-teenager. Following his death she'd moved from relative to relative, but they simply couldn't provide Dawn with the care she needed.

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